
Google annonce sa nouvelle version d'android : Android 5.0 Lollipop

Après une période de test , Google annonce finalement sa version finale d'Android L. Android 5.0 Lollipop fait ses débuts sur trois nouveaux appareils Nexus ( smartphone Nexus 6 , tablettes Nexus 9  et Nexus Player streaming media device ) et sera disponible sur le Nexus 4, Nexus 5, Nexus 7, Nexus 10 et Google Play Edition devices dans les prochaines semaines.  Des améliorations visuelles et des changements de l'interface utilisateur caractérisent cette nouvelle version d'Android. La plate-forme Android dispose maintenant de nouvelles animations plus fluide, un design propre avec une palette de couleurs plus audacieuse, un menu multittasking remanié, et offre de nouvelles façons d'interagir avec votre voix.  La nouvelle version d'Android est doté d'un nouveau design: "Material Design". De toute évidence, il sera dominé par le design plat ou le flat design ( Le  flat design  est  un  design graphique minimaliste , débarrassé de tout ornement

Android alerts tutorial

In this tutorial we will talk about Android dialog boxes and more specifically AlertDialog. Like any modal dialog box, an AlertDialog opens itself, takes focus and stay on as long as the user does not close it. This type of display is therefore well suited to critical errors or any other information which must read by the user. To create an AlertDialog, the easiest way is to use the Builder class, which provides a set of methods for configuring an AlertDialog. Each method returns the Builder to facilitate the chaining of calls. In the end, just call the show() method of the Builder Object  to display the dialog box. The most used configuration method of Builder are: ● setMessage () defines the "body" of the dialog from a simple text message. Its setting is a String or an identifier of a text resource. ● setTitle () and setIcon () to configure the text and / or icon that will appear  in the title bar of the dialog box. ● setPositiveButton () setNeutralButton () and

Android tutorial : AutoCompleteTextView example

AutoCompleteTextView is sort of hybridization between an EditText and Spinner. It is a subclass of EditText. With auto-complete,the completion suggestions are  automatically shown while the user is typing. The list of suggestions is displayed in a drop down menu from which the user can choose an item to replace the content of the edit box with.The different  suggestions are displayed in a list of choices that looks like a Spinner. The user can then continue its input (if the word is not in the list) or choose an entry in it which will become the value of the field.  In addition, the property android: completionThreshold of AutoCompleteTextView allows  to specify a minimum number of characters to be written before the list of proposals  appears.  We can provide to AutoCompleteTextView an adapter containing the list of  Candidate values ​​using setAdapter () but as the user can enter text that is not in this list, AutoCompleteTextView does not use selection listeners. It is