Android tutorial for beginners:using Button, Listener and Toast
This tutorials describes the usage of Buttons. we will start the course with a quick summary of the basic functions. What is a Listener? A listener, as the name suggests, listens to a source until it is used. For an action to be performed, it is necessary that a transmitter sends a signal to the listener that is triggered. Action : Click on a button Listener : Listen when the button is clicked There is no simpler than that, we will see a later in the examples how to implement a listener. Creating our project As in the previous tutorial , with Eclipse and ADT, create a new project. We'll start by editing the "activity_main.xml" file located in the "res / layout" folder. Its current syntax is as follows: <? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ?> <LinearLayout xmlns : android = "" android : orientation = "vertical" androi...